Medical NLP: Domain Expertise and Data Quality are Vital For Success

Medical NLP content extraction or relationship linking is extremely complex requiring advanced expertise and presents unique data quality challenges when trying to scale. Domain experts with advanced training, tooling expertise, NLP experience, and dedicated time are key to deploying and scaling NLP projects. Join this session to take a deep dive into key challenges and trends across achieving high quality data by leveraging domain experts for medical NLP projects ranging from real world evidence to document processing. Attendees will takeaway:

1. An understanding of labeled corpus creation from the domain and NLP perspective
2. Strategies for training and talent skilling medical NLP experts
3. How to deploy workflow design and feedback cycles to optimize data quality and efficiency

About the speaker
Yanshan Wang

Hugo Altamirano

Medical Solutions Architect at iMerit Technology

Dr. Hugo Altamirano is a clinical anesthesiology and machine learning data ops expert delivering AI data solutions for large healthcare enterprises. With more than a decade of medical and technical expertise, Dr. Altamirano brings unprecedented knowledge and strategy to artificial intelligence applications across the medical industry.

As a Medical Solutions Architect at iMerit, Dr. Altamirano is responsible for scaling the data operations for healthcare machine learning applications in NLP and computer vision.



Sessions: April 5th – 6th 2022
Trainings: April 12th – 15th 2022


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